• Aim the blade square to the target line (or very slightly open for extra height)

  • The body should be parallel to the target line (or very slightly open)

  • HOLD

  • As normal

  • SET UP

  • Take a wide stance (at least driver width) and squat slightly.

  • The ball should be positioned approximately 2” forward of centre.

  • Your weight should favour the front leg – approximately 60-70%

  • Try to feel that your shoulders and hips are level.

  • Allow your arms to hang naturally.


  • You must ensure that your weight stays in your left leg throughout.

  • Pick a spot approximately 1.5-2” behind the ball and focus on it. The more or less sand you take will largely determine the distance the ball travels along with swing speed.

  • Turn your upper half whilst retaining your slight squat.

  • Allow your left wrist to ‘cup’ rather than just hinge. This adds loft and bounce.

  • Allow the club to swing down at your spot as you rotate to the target – it will bounce under the ball popping it up and out! The ball flies on a cushion of sand.

  • To hit a higher and softer shot ensure the clubface faces the sky through to the finish.


  • Draw a line in the sand 1.5 – 2” behind an imaginary ball and make swings trying to contact the sand at that point.