- Pick your target line and ensure the blade of the club is at 90 degrees to it
- Your shoulders should be parallel to the target line along with the feet, although your feet can be slightly open
- As normal, although you can hold down the grip for added control
- Your stance should be no wider than half of shoulder width (about 6”)
- Your weight should favour your front foot – approx 60 – 70%
- Position the ball in the centre of your stance. Back for a lower trajectory or forward for higher
- Position your hands forward of centre so the shaft leans towards the target
- Your arms gently swing back via the turning of your shoulders
- Your weight must stay favouring your front foot
- Wrists should be passive – better wooden than floppy. Your club head will stay fairly low to the ground
- The swing should ideally be smoothly accelerating and 50 – 50 in length
- At impact your hands must be ahead of the club head
- Avoid hitting at the ball and scooping
- Focus where you want the ball to land
- Same technique whether you use a 7 iron or SW
- Hold club in belly and choke down shaft. Gently rotate back and through
- Hit consecutive shots, gradually increasing in distance by 1 metre